Foundation of the centre d'action bénévole de Bedford. |
Incorporation of the Centre d'action bénévole de Bedford & Environs inc. |
Affiliation with the Fédération des Centres d'Action Bénévole du Québec. Affiliation with Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska. |
First Tribute to Volunteers Evening. This evening has been repeated every year since then. |
The Centre de Bénévolat Régional de Bedford becomes the Centre d'action Bénévole de Bedford et Environs. |
Mention of excellence and a 500.00 prize are awarded to the Centre by the Fédération des CaissesPopulaires Desjardins Richelieu-Yamaska for its 'Popote roulante' project. |
The CABBE became the owner of the house located at 35 Cyr Street thanks to the law 160. Mention of honor awarded for his involvement in the community by the Fédération des Caisses Populaire Desjardin Richelieu-Yamaska and reception of a cheque for 500.00 from the Caisse Populaire de Bedford. |
Publication of the first community calendar. Participation of all sectors in the "Guignolé" project. |
Mention of honour and a cheque for $1,000.00 are awarded by the Fédération des Caisses Populaires Desjardins Richelieu-Yamaska for its "Guignolée" project. |
Launch of the "Info-stop" program for seniors. |
Publication and distribution of a bilingual brochure. |
Setting up of the "Carosse d'or" service |
3000.00 prize from the Fédération des Caisses Populaires Desjardins Richelieu-Yamaska for its project "Carrosse d'Or". |
20th anniversary of the Centre d'Action bénévole de Bedford & Environs. |
Implementation of the "Walkers to Work" program. Carrying out a study on transportation in Brome-Missisquoi. |
Publication of a transportation resource directory in Brome-Missisquoi |
International year of volunteers |
Construction of a building adjacent to the Centre in order to carry out various activities such as the "Guignolée", distribution of Christmas baskets, weekly food distribution, etc... Start of a project to recycle used toys. |
Implementation of basic cooking workshops in collaboration with the Cowansville and Farnham CABs as part of a public health department food security project. |
Realization of a three-part New Horizons project in partnership with the Villas des Rivières and the centre for English-speaking women, Avante Women's Center: publication of a bilingual booklet of tips from our elders in addition to an exhibition on the evolution of women over time and several activities for seniors. |
Publication and distribution of a civil protection manual for the citizens of the territory in the event of a disaster. Produced with a grant from New Horizons, this manual was distributed in an ecological cotton bag in the colours of the CAB and the Town of Bedford by the volunteers of the Guignolée. |
Winner of a Mérite québécois en sécurité civile, (March 2009) in the Business and Organization category for his manual published in 2007. |
Winner of the Prix Hommage Bénévolat Québec "category organization" awarded by the Government of Quebec. Winner of the Desjardins Annual Award for Community Service. Implementation of the Peer Program |
Implementation of the bag system for the Guignolée. Distribution of 5,000 bags throughout the region. |
Recipient of $12,500 in financial assistance from the insurance company Promutuel Valmont Prairies over 5 years. |
Production and distribution to all households of a calendar to promote volunteerism in selected organizations in the region in partnership with the Caisse Desjardins de Bedford. |
Development of a tablet learning course for seniors through a grant from the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Organization of 8 coffee shops over 2 years thanks to a grant from the CRÉ Montérégie-Est to inform seniors about the services available to them on the territory. |
Resumption of the federal government's HPS program to prevent homelessness and development of the ITMAV program to support vulnerable seniors for Bedford and the region. |
A year to forget. Major damage to vans and house; shelters tempo left in the wind. Loss on two occasions of all the contents of the cold room and freezer due to defective motors. Tree fell on the roof due to the August storm |